Wednesday, August 4, 2010

TOP 5 Ways to Improve the U.S. Government

The first thing that the US government needs to do is lower its spending and waste. Although I love learning about space travels this is not a time when we should waste our time on space exploration so start by getting rid of NASA.

The next thing we need to do, which will help with the wasteful spending, is get out of other countries business. Defense spending should be spent for just that: defense. And not defense of other countries but defense of America. Then we need to do is reform taxes. We need more progressive income and property taxes so that the rich help the poor. And we need to lower the general sales tax so that consumer spending can bounce back and end the recession.

After those three things are accomplished we need to switch our health care over to a single payer system like the rest of the developed world is using because it is much more efficient and will help again with the wastefulness I mentioned in my first improvement. And to insure that the single payer health care system is designed so that it is best for the people and not the corporations we need to get rid of all the health industry lobbyists in Washington once and for all.

With these five improvements everyone will be happier and many smaller problems will be solved in the process.

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